Will you fulfill DESTINY?


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Thursday, April 23


"This above all, to thine own self be true,And it must follow, as the night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any man."(Shakespeare)
If Shakespeare hadn’t chosen writing as a profession, he probably would have become one of history’s greatest psychologist/philosophers. It was his keen insight into human behavior that made his writing so powerful. In the famous verse above he’s simply telling us to be authentic, to be real persons instead of the fake ones we’re so often tempted to be. HONESTY IS A CHOICE. When we make that choice, not in a particular set of circumstances, but as a way of life, we begin to understand what it means to be an authentic person. We become what we were meant to be. Something happens inside of us, but we can’t explain it to anyone else. We just feel something unbelievably good, and we begin to respect ourselves more than ever before. That’s what it means to be true to ourselves. And because it feels so good to be authentic, it necessarily follows that we’ll be true to others.

AWARENESS! A Key Factor In Helping Others To Recognize For Themselves Their Own Value

Since it is my intention to help others first and foremost, I am always on the hunt for new subject matter with the type of content I feel is self-empowering in one fashion or another. Much of the time however, I also reference back to what I know has served in my own quest for a higher spiritual connection to the world around me given me a stronger foundation to create a more harmonious balance for my family. Time and Time again much of the wisdom that I have come to count on is from my enlightened perspective about continual outcome of our lives and what I have discovered through my pursuit has taught me how to bring more blessings and gratitude into my life. I find favor with the idea that each and every one of us is responsible and accountable for the truths that come to express themselves in our lives. Whether we cause a certain set of events to manifest their existence into our lives or if we out right force them to happen by our own actions.

But behind that thin veil of truth I also see years of pain and suffering most often influenced and instilled in us from our childhood or past experiences. I think a negative conduit forms when we meet with these afflictions then hostility, abuse and discord continue to channel through that very same pipeline of polluted events and the energy therein continues to grow. The most frightening truth from the repetition of these unsavory events is that we are not only besieged with foul memories of all the chaos we also inherit the energy that accompanies our sense of having no merit or benefit! All we see in ourselves is that we are not good enough and believe ourselves valueless. Making us feel unfavorable to others empty and fruitless.

How then can one bring abundance and prosperity into there own life without proper influence? How can they manifest anything other than the same kind of adverse and malevolent energy that has plagued them for the whole or the majority of their existence? If one is down trodden and melancholy and as in the discovery of The Law of Attraction will attract, like how then can they undo the beliefs and displaced feelings they have integrated into their thought process from any early age? I believe that it is less relevant who is coming into our lives or what we are engaging our actions in and around as it is to take accountability for our tolerance of such things if certain events or people are not worthy of promoting peace and tranquility in our environment we must work to find a healthier way of conducting ourselves and our behavior so that we can begin to successfully excuse our selves from these negative influences and begin to repel the repetitive patterns we have adopted for ourselves free and clear of their negative influence.

What I mean by that is if we are feeling unworthy or not good enough I do believe that it makes complete sense psychologically that we would become quite capable of attracting certain types of events and circumstances that would produce others who would share those negative conclusions about us as well. However, If we can come to a place of resolve place that allows us to see our own remarkable contributions in this world and what those same attributes have to offer out to us if we begin to disallow our selves to validate the inaccurate conclusions that have been thrust upon our spirits then we can thus begin to attract the kinds of positive situations and personalities we desire that will bring inevitable rewards instead.

I would purpose that if we focus on the good in the world then that very same good will begin to make its presence known to us. There are so many materials available to us today not to mention the experts in the arena of self-help and motivation that we can turn to in order to let go of the current events that are holding us back from finding our reason for being here on this earth at this exact place and time in history. The good news is that there are answers and we can find them if we resolve ourselves to do so. It will take time. It will seem like an up hill battle at times if you intend it you will find what it is that you are seeking! I know you will because I have done this for myself in my own life and now I hope to bring you to a place where you can realize your own ability to create the same profound results for yourself as well! Good luck my prayers and blessings are with you.